Strength and Conditioning For Boxing

Strength and Conditioning

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  • Welcome & Outline
    • Welcome & Outline
    • Boxing Training  – An Introduction
    • Strength & Conditioning – An Introduction
    • Meet Your Trainers
  • Force – An introduction
    • Module 1.1 – Force – An Introduction
    • Module 1.2 – Strength & Power Library – Lower Body
    • ¼ – ½ depth BB Front Squat
    • ¼ – ½ depth BB Split Front Squat
    • DB Lunge (Dynamic, Static, Curtsey)
    • DB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat
    • BB Deadlift from Blocks (Bar knee height)
    • 1 Leg Kettlebell Pick UP
    • 1 Legged Leg Press
    • Bench BB Hip Thrust
    • Bench 1 Leg BB Hip Thrust
    • Kettlebell Swing
    • Cable Pull through
    • Sled Walk + Push
    • Module 1.3 – Strength & Power Programming 
  • Force & Velocity – Strength & Speed – An introduction 
    • Module 2.1 – Force & Velocity – Strength & Speed – An introduction
    • Module 2.2 – Strength & Speed Library – Full Body
    • BB Hang High Pull
    • BB Hang Power Clean
    • BB / DB / KB Push Press
    • BB Split Push Press
    • DB Snatch from Blocks
    • DB ¼ back Squat Jump
    • Loaded Lunge Jumps (Dead, continuous)
    • Slam Ball Repeater
    • Weighted Vest Box Jumps
    • Kneeling Band Thruster
    • Band Bungee Long Jump
    • TRX Angled Jump Squats
    • KB Snatch
    • MB Explosive Squat – Throw
    • MB 1 Arm Shot Put
    • Land Mine Power Press
    • MB Overhead Toss
    • MB Wood Chop Throw
    • Module 2.3  -Strength & Speed programming 
  • Velocity – An Introduction. 
    • Module 3.1 – Velocity – An Introduction
    • Module 3.2 – Maximum Velocity Library
    • Repeater Box Jumps
    • Pogo Hops
    • Lateral Box Push Offs
    • Depth Jumps; Height
    • Depth Jumps; Multi
    • Depth Jumps – Alt Lunge Jumps
    • Lateral Hurdle Hops
    • Hurdle Jump Slalom
    • 1 Leg Hurdle Jump Slalom
    • CMJ for Height
    • 1 Leg CMJ for Height
    • Unloaded Lunge Jumps
    • Kneeling Jump Outs
    • Skipping
    • Triple Jump
    • Depth Jumps – Distance
    • CMJ for Distance
    • 1 Leg CMJ for Distance
    • Seated Box Jump Out
    • Split Kneeling Floor Jump to 1 Leg Box Land
    • Lateral Ice Skater
    • Forward Travel Ice Skater
    • Clap Push Ups
    • MB Drop Press Throws
    • Module 3.3 – Maximum Velocity Programming
  • Resilience/Injury risk – An Introduction.  
    • Module 4.1 – Resilience & Injury Risk – An Introduction
    • Module 4.2 – Resilience/Injury risk Library
    • Wrist Rolls
    • Kneeling Wrist Leans
    • Wrist Side Plank
    • KB Bottoms Up Hold
    • Plate Pick Up
    • Wrist Crawls
    • Wall Plank(face out)
    • Stability Ball Wall Plank (face in, side)
    • Monster Band Head Wrap
    • Head Stands
    • Bench Neck Bridge Hold
    • Plank Bag Slides
    • Land Mine Pivots
    • Stability Ball Stir the Pot
    • MB Catch & Kill
    • Anti-Rotation Cable Press
    • Anti-Rotation Cable Lunge
    • Anti-Lateral Flexion Cable (overhead)
    • Sand Bag fast Pivot Chops
    • DB Renegade Rows
    • Sand Bag squat Pivot Twists
    • Sand Bag Pick Up Pass
    • Sand Bag Shoulder Carry w/ Hip Drive
    • 1 Arm Overhead Walks / Lunges
    • MB Reverse Lunge w/ Overhead Rotation Reach
    • Band Stretch Series
    • Dowel Rod Dislocates
    • Active Hanging
    • Crab Walk
    • Stability Ball Wall Roll Out ( Mixed angles)
    • Narrow Grip Chin Ups
    • Towel Grip Chin Ups
    • Cable Face Pulls
    • BB Behind Neck Press
    • Wall Walk Ups
    • Weighted Swimmers
    • Y-Raises
    • BB Incline Bench Rows
    • BB Horizontals Face Up Rows
    • BB Bent Over Row
    • Module 4.3 – Resilience/Injury risk Programming.  
  • Conclusion 
    • Conclusion
    • Whats next?