Hatton Academy'S
Hatton Boxing
for Juniors
Online course
JUST: £99
Enrol in the course today and SAVE £50

Are you a Hatton Certified Instructor who is already coaching or would like to coach children aged 8+? If the answer is yes, then this is the training course for you.
Our belt & braces Online course will allow you to understand the details of:
- Child Protection & Safeguarding
- Anatomy & Physiology Considerations
- How to plan, structure and deliver a children’s boxing for fitness session
As well as this, you will gain access to valuable support materials such as:
- ParQ Templates
- Video & Photography Consent Agreements
- Safeguarding Policies
- Behaviour Code of Conduct
- Risk Assessment Templates
- Game Ideas
- Session Examples
- Session Templates
The key considerations detailed in this programme of study will fill you with confidence when instructing a younger audience, and allow you to explore new ideas and plan safe, fun and effective sessions that have the potential to open up a brand-new market for your business.
LAUNCH offer – Just £99
Start today and SAVE £90